//en-us Js语言包加载 var lang_set = 'en-us'; var message = {}; message = { '购物车' : 'Shopping cart' , '我的购物车' : 'My shopping cart' , '购物车描述' : 'Cart description' , '会员中心' : 'Member center' , '已确认' : 'confirmed' , '已完成' : 'Has completed' , '已取消' : 'Has cancelled' , '未付款' : 'non-payment' , '已付款' : 'paid' , '付款中' : 'Payment in' , '已退款' : 'refunded' , '未发货' : 'unfilled' , '已发货' : 'Already delivery' , '商家配货中' : 'Merchants in the distribution' , '已确认收货' : 'Already confirm the delivery of' , '已退货' : 'Already return' , '所有商品分类' : 'Categories' , '联系我们' : 'Contact Us' , '我的询价车' : 'Inquiry Basket' , '填写询价表单' : 'Fill In Your Inquiry' , '询盘提交成功' : 'Inquiry Results' , '在线订阅' : 'Subscription' , '获取最新产品信息' : 'Get mail on new products' , '姓名' : 'Name' , '公司' : 'Company' , '邮箱' : 'Email' , '请输入邮箱!' : 'Please enter the email!' , '邮箱格式错误!' : 'Mail format error!' , '订阅' : 'Subscription' , '取消订阅' : 'Unsubscribe' , '提交' : 'Submit' , '输入关键字搜索' : 'Input key word search' , '搜索' : 'search' , '首页' : 'Home' , '品牌列表' : 'Brand list' , '购买的商品数量必须大于0!' : 'Goods purchased quantity must be greater than zero.' , '商品不存在,或者已经下架!' : 'Goods does not exist, or have the frame!' , '商品添加成功!' : 'Goods add success!' , '库存不足' : 'stockout' , '更新失败' : 'Update failure' , '添加失败' : 'Add failure' , '此规格不存在' : 'This specification does not exist' , '添加失败!' : 'Add failed!' , '赠品已经添加!' : 'Gifts have added!' , '超过赠品最大数量!' : 'More than gift maximum number!' , '该商品不在赠品活动中!' : 'The goods is not trading activities!' , '更新购物车失败!' : 'Update shopping cart failed!' , '购物车无此商品' : 'Shopping cart without such goods' , '删除失败!' : 'Delete failed!' , '清空购物车失败' : 'Empty cart failure' , '销售价' : 'Sale price' , '赠品价' : 'Trading price' , '加入购物车' : 'Add to cart' , '请选择规格' : 'Please choose the specifications' , '操作' : 'Action' , '规格商品加入购物车' : 'Specification goods add to cart' , '购物车中的商品' : 'Goods in the shopping cart' , '单价' : 'Unit price' , '返现' : 'Return now' , '购买数量' : 'Purchase quantity' , '商品状态' : 'Item status' , '小计' : 'Small meter' , '请稍等,正在为您加载购物车' : 'Please wait a moment, is for you to load the shopping cart' , '赠品' : 'gift' , '收藏' : 'collection' , '删除' : 'Delete' , '当前所有促销活动' : 'The current all promotional activities' , '所需等级' : 'Required level' , '您满足以下促销活动' : 'You meet the following promotion activities' , '商品总价' : 'Commodity price' , '未含运费' : 'Not delivered' , '商品总重' : 'Goods total weight' , '件商品' : 'goods' , '千克' : 'kg' , '促销优惠' : 'Promotion preferential' , '订单总计' : 'Order total' , '继续购物' : 'Continue shopping' , '去结算' : 'To settlement' , '清空购物车' : 'Empty shopping cart' , '品牌' : 'brand' , '查看更多' : 'More Details' , '找不到此栏目' : 'Can not find this column' , '找不到此页面!ChannelAction;' : 'Can not find the page!ChannelAction;' , '无下载文件' : 'No download file' , '留言成功!' : 'The message success!' , '留言失败!' : 'Message failed!' , '数据创建错误!' : 'Data creation error!' , '留言咨询' : 'Advisory messages' , '请填写您的称呼' : 'Please fill in your name' , '您的称呼:' : 'Name' , '留言标题:' : 'Title' , '留言内容:' : 'Message' , '提交留言' : 'Submit the message' , '最新动态' : 'Latest News' , '邮箱:' : 'E-mail:' , '关于公司' : 'About the Company' , '询价车' : 'Inquiry Basket' , '您的询价信息' : 'Tell Us What You Want' , '请尽量描述清晰!' : 'Please try to describe clearly!' , '询价标题:' : 'Inquiry title:' , '我想了解:' : 'Request for:' , '请输入询价标题!' : 'Please input inquiry title!' , '电子邮件:' : 'E-mail:' , '请检查电子邮件格式!' : 'Please check the email format!' , '请输入电子邮件!' : 'Please enter an e-mail!' , '详细信息:' : 'Message:' , '详细描述可以输入20-3000个字符!' : 'A detailed description of 20-3000 characters can be input!' , '请输入详细描述!' : 'Please enter a detailed description of!' , '20-3000 字符' : 'The 20-3000 character' , '请描述您的消息的详细信息。(如:产品规格,公司介绍,等等。)尽可能清楚地得到及时准确的答复。' : 'Please describe your message details (such as: product specification, company description, etc.)
as clearly as possible to get prompt and precise replies.' , '回复日期:' : 'Reply date:' , '附加信息' : 'Additional information' , '点击这里提供更多的产品信息或要求' : 'Click here to provide more product information/requests' , '选择国家:' : 'Select a country:' , '请选择国家' : 'Please select a country' , '公司名称:' : 'Company name:' , '固定电话:' : 'Telephone:' , '国家号码' : 'Country code' , '区号' : 'Area code' , '电话号码' : 'Telephone' , '传真号码:' : 'Fax number:' , '添加附件:' : 'Add attachments:' , '允许的格式: Jpg, Png, Gif, Tif, Bmp, Doc, Xls, Txt, Pdf, Html, Zip, Rar 最多支持上传一个附件且不大于2MB!' : 'File format: Jpg, Png, Gif, Tif, Bmp, Doc, Xls, Txt, Pdf, Html, Zip, Rar Maximum of 3 attachments/each 2MB' , '询盘产品确认' : 'Inquiry Basket Confirmation' , '请您核对以下的产品信息' : 'Please check the following product information' , '询价货品' : 'Products' , 'SKU' : 'SKU' , '询价数量' : 'Qty' , '请稍等,正在为您加载询价车' : 'Please wait a moment, is for you to load a inquiry basket' , '返回询价车' : 'Back Inquiry Cart' , '确认提交询盘' : 'Submit Inquiry' , '建议您及时更新获取最新的询价车的信息!' : 'We suggest you timely refresh to get the latest inquiry basket information !' , '请点击这里>>' : 'Please click here >>' , '采购现货或者加工定制?尝试询价单!' : 'Spot purchases or custom processing?Try Inquiry! ' , '发布询价单' : 'Post Inquiry' , '询价车总计' : 'Cart Total' , '件' : 'item(s)' , '去提交询盘' : 'Inquiry Now' , '购物车读取成功' : 'Shopping cart read success' , '用户已被注册!' : 'The user has been registered!' , '邮箱已被注册!' : 'Email has been registered!' , '填写验证码错误!' : 'Fill in the verification code error!' , '清除成功!' : 'Clear success!' , '清除失败!' : 'Clear failed!' , '广告分类ID丢失' : 'Advertising classification ID lost' , '参数不完整' : 'Parameters not complete' , '购物车里面还有' : 'There are also shopping cart' , '种商品' : 'goods' , '共' : 'Total' , '件商品 总计' : 'Goods total' , '去购物车结算' : 'To cart settlement' , '验证码错误!' : 'Verification code error!' , '注册成功!' : 'Registered success!' , '注册失败!' : 'Registration failed!' , '密码错误!' : 'The password is wrong!' , '登录成功' : 'Login successful' , '用户名不存在!' : 'The user name does not exist.' , '更新用户基础信息错误!' : 'Update user base information error!' , '更新用户联系信息错误!' : 'Update the user\'s contact information error!' , '两次输入的密码不一致!' : 'Two input password does not match!' , '原始密码错误!' : 'The original password is wrong!' , '密码至少大于6位!' : 'Password at least more than six!' , '密码修改成功!' : 'Password modification success!' , '密码修改失败' : 'Password change failure' , '原始密码不可为空!' : 'The original password not is empty!' , '收获地址不存在!' : 'Harvest address does not exist!' , '保存成功!' : 'Save success!' , '添加成功!' : 'Add success!' , '添加失败!' : 'Add failed!' , '设置默认地址失败!' : 'Sets the default address failed!' , '设置默认地址成功!' : 'Sets the default address success!' , '成功获取联动数据!' : 'Success for linkage data!' , '删除成功!' : 'Delete the success!' , '收货地址不存在!' : 'Receiving address does not exist!' , '订单留言成功!' : 'Order message success!' , '订单留言失败!' : 'Order message failed!' , '已成功提交申请!' : 'Has been successfully submitted to apply!' , '提交申请失败!' : 'Submit the application failed!' , '退款原因:' : 'A refund reason:' , '申请退款' : 'Apply for a refund' , '退货原因:' : 'Return reason:' , '申请退货' : 'Apply for return' , '执行完成成功!' : 'The implementation of the completion success!' , '执行完成失败!' : 'The implementation of the completion failed!' , '订单已完成!' : 'Order has been completed.' , '完成' : 'complete' , '不可以给自己发信息!' : 'Can\'t give oneself to send information!' , '数据成功保存到草稿箱!' : 'Data are successfully saved to draft box!' , '消息发送成功!' : 'The news sent successfully!' , '数据保存失败!' : 'Data save failed!' , '该收件人不存在!' : 'The addressee does not exist!' , '数据创建失败!' : 'Data to create failed!' , '已读!' : 'Already read!' , '消息回复成功!' : 'News reply to success!' , '数据创建失败!' : 'Data to create failed!' , '尚未处理!' : 'Has not yet been processing!' , '商品不存在!' : 'Goods does not exist!' , '该商品已经缺货登记过了!' : 'The goods have been out of stock registered!' , '添加缺货登记成功!' : 'Add stockout registration success!' , '添加缺货登记失败!' : 'Add stockout registration failed!' , '缺货登记不存在!' : 'Out of stock registration does not exist!' , '你已经绑定过用户名,请勿重复绑定!' : 'You have bound a user name, please do not repeat binding!' , '绑定用户成功' : 'Binding user successfully' , '绑定失败' : 'Binding failure' , '该QQ号已经绑定过帐号了,请勿再次绑定' : 'This QQ number have binding after account, please do not bind again' , '绑定QQ号成功!' : 'Binding QQ number success!' , '绑定QQ失败' : 'Binding QQ failure' , '解绑成功!' : 'Solution bind success!' , '解绑失败' : 'Solution bound failure' , '已经收藏过该商品!' : 'Have the goods collection!' , '收藏成功!' : 'Collect success!' , '收藏数据出错!' : 'Collect data error!' , '删除成功!' : 'Delete the success!' , '删除出错!' : 'Delete the error!' , '该收藏商品不存在!' : 'The collection of goods does not exist!' , '该订单不存在!' : 'The order does not exist!' , '找回密码' : 'security' , '此邮箱尚未未注册,请重新尝试!' : 'This email has not yet not registered, please try again!' , '请输入您的邮箱!' : 'Please enter your email!' , '密码修改失败!' : 'Password change failed!' , '此链接已失效,请重置找回密码!' : 'This link has failure, please reset security!' , '不存在此会员,请重置找回密码!' : 'Does not exist this member, please reset security!' , '默认收货地址' : 'Default receiving address' , '是' : 'is' , '否' : 'no' , '收货人' : 'consignee' , '昵称至少3个字符,最多18个字符' : 'Nick name at least 3 characters, most and characters' , '收货人姓名' : 'Consignee name' , '收获地址' : 'Harvest address' , '请选择所在国家' : 'Please select in the country' , '请选择所在省份' : 'Please select a province' , '请选择省份' : 'Please select a province' , '请选择城市' : 'Please select the city' , '请选择所在城市' : 'Please select city' , '请选择地区' : 'Please select a region' , '请选择所在地区' : 'Please select a region' , '详细地址' : 'Detailed address' , '请输入详细地址' : 'Please input the detailed address' , '电话' : 'telephone' , '手机' : 'Mobile phone' , '邮编' : 'zip' , '保存' : 'save' , '请选择' : 'Please select' , '省份' : 'provinces' , '城市' : 'city' , '地区' : 'area' , '添加收货地址' : 'Add receiving address' , '地址' : 'address' , '是否默认' : 'Whether the default' , '不显示' : 'Don\'t show' , '显示' : 'display' , '修改' : 'modification' , '缺货登记' : 'Stockout registration' , '订购商品名' : 'For ordering goods name' , '订购数量' : 'Order quantity' , '登记时间' : 'Registration time' , '处理备注' : 'Processing note' , '规格' : 'specifications' , '确定删除此缺货登记' : 'Sure to delete this out of stock registration' , '名称' : 'name' , '面值' : 'Par value' , '优惠券卡号' : 'Coupons card number' , '优惠券密码' : 'Coupons password' , '开始日期' : 'Start date' , '结束时间' : 'End time' , '状态' : 'state' , '未使用' : 'Not used' , '已使用' : 'Has been used' , '不可用' : ', not with' , '已过期' : 'Has expired' , '锁定' : 'lock' , '确定删除选定收藏商品?' : 'Sure to delete the selected collection of goods?' , '我的收藏' : 'My collection' , '图片' : 'pictures' , '产品名称' : 'Product name' , '市场价' : 'market' , '价格' : 'price' , '您暂未收藏任何商品' : 'Your temporary not collect any goods' , '第一步:输入您注册时使用的邮箱' : 'Step 1: enter your email account when registering' , '第二步:查收邮件' : 'Step 2: check E-mail' , '第三步:输入您的新密码' : 'Step 3: enter your new password' , '找回丢失密码' : 'Retrieve a lost password' , '请输入您绑定网站账户的邮箱' : 'Please enter your email account binding site' , '邮箱格式错误' : 'Mail format error' , '立即找回' : 'Immediately find' , '邮件已发送' : 'Email has been sent' , '系统已经发送邮件到' : 'System has been send mail to' , '请点击邮件的链接重置你的密码' : 'Please click on the E-mail link reset your password' , '去查收邮件' : 'To check E-mail' , '输入新密码' : 'Input the new password' , '新密码' : 'The new password' , '密码范围在6~16位之间' : 'Password range in 6 ~ between 16' , '请输入密码' : 'Please enter the password' , '确认密码' : 'Confirm password' , '两次输入的密码不一致' : 'Two input password is not consistent' , '确认新密码' : 'Confirm the new password' , '标题' : 'title' , '发送到' : 'Sent to' , '时间' : 'time' , '您当前的位置' : 'Your current position' , '用户中心' : 'The user center' , '欢迎页' : 'Welcome page' , '修改图像' : 'Modified image' , '我近期的订单' : 'My recent order' , '订单号' : 'Order no.' , '物流' : 'logistics' , '订单金额' : 'Order amount' , '付款方式' : 'payment' , '下单时间' : 'Order time' , '订单状态' : 'Order status' , '暂时还未有任何订单' : 'There is no any order' , '订单已取消' : 'Order has been cancelled' , '确认收货' : 'Confirm the delivery of' , '已经提交退款申请' : 'Have to submit application for refund' , '已经提交退货申请' : 'Application has been submitted return' , '确认完成' : 'Confirm complete' , '取消订单' : 'Cancel the order' , '评价' : 'evaluation' , '已取消订单' : 'Already cancel the order' , '查看' : 'view' , '立即付款' : 'Immediate payment' , '我的优惠券' : 'My coupons' , '密码' : 'password' , '结束日期' : 'End date' , '暂时还未有任何优惠券' : 'There is no coupons' , '交易管理' : 'Transaction management' , '我的订单' : 'My order' , '我的积分' : 'My integral' , '积分兑换优惠券' : 'Points for coupons' , '商品咨询' : 'Commodity consulting' , '商品评论' : 'Commodity comments' , '我的回复' : 'My reply' , '资料管理' : 'Material management' , '个人资料' : 'Personal data' , '修改密码' : 'Change password' , '收货信息' : 'Receiving information' , '站内消息' : 'In station news' , '发送消息' : 'Sending messages' , '收件箱' : 'inbox' , '发件箱' : 'outbox' , '草稿箱' : 'Draft box' , '给管理员发信' : 'To mail administrator' , '原始密码' : 'Original password' , '请输入原始密码' : 'Please input the original password' , '请设置密码' : 'Please set your password' , '请重复密码' : 'Please repeat the password' , '无任何订单信息' : 'Without any order information' , '订单详情' : 'Order details' , '商品列表' : 'Commodity list' , '放回购物车' : 'Back into the shopping cart' , '商品名称' : 'Name of commodity' , '商品价格' : 'Commodity prices' , '费用总计' : 'Overall charge' , '物流费用' : 'Logistics cost' , '保价费用' : 'Valuation fee' , '折扣金额' : 'Discount amount' , '已付款金额' : 'Paid amount' , '应付款金额' : 'Payable amount' , '电子邮件地址' : 'Email address' , '订单留言' : 'Order message' , '留言人' : 'Message people' , '支付方式' : 'payment' , '所选支付方式' : 'The selected payment method' , '其它信息' : 'Other information' , '缺货处理' : 'Stockout processing' , '用户登录' : 'User login' , '帐号' : 'account' , '请输入昵称' : 'Please enter the nickname' , '验证码' : 'Verification code' , '请输入验证码' : 'Please enter the verification code' , '验证码是4位' : 'Verification code is four' , '看不清楚?换个图片' : 'Can\'t see clearly? Change the picture' , '在这台电脑上记住我' : 'In on this computer remember me' , '登 录' : 'is record' , '忘记密码' : 'Forgot password' , '还不是我们的用户' : 'Is not our users' , '现在免费注册成为会员用户,30秒轻松注册!便能立刻享受便宜又放心的购物乐趣' : 'Now free registered as a member users, 30 seconds easily registered! Can immediately enjoy cheap and safe shopping fun' , '免费注册' : 'Free registration' , '发送给' : 'Sent to' , '回复标题' : 'Reply title' , '标题至少3个字符!' : 'The title at least 3 characters!' , '回复内容' : 'Reply content' , '内容至少5字符以上' : 'Content at least 5 characters above' , '发送' : 'send' , '保存到草稿箱' : 'Save to draft box' , '用户注册' : 'User registration' , '用户名' : 'The user name' , '密码至少6个字符,最多18个字符' : 'Password at least 6 characters, most and characters' , '密码强度' : 'Password strength' , '弱' : 'weak' , '中' : 'in' , '强' : 'strong' , '请填写邮箱' : 'Please fill in the email' , '我已阅读并同意' : 'I have read and agreed to' , '会员注册协议' : 'Member agreement' , '和隐私保护政策' : 'And privacy protection policy' , '立即注册' : 'register' , '已注册用户,请登录' : 'Registered user, please login' , '如果您已是本站会员,请登录' : 'If you already is the member, please login' , '立即登陆' : 'Landing immediately' , '商品信息' : 'Commodity information' , '回复主题' : 'Reply theme' , '作者' : 'The author' , '主题时间' : 'Theme time' , '回复时间' : 'Recovery time' , '收件人至少3个字节' : 'The recipient at least 3 bytes' , '标题至少3个字符' : 'The title at least 3 characters' , '内容' : 'content' , '用户组' : 'User group' , '用户呢称' : 'Users say' , '用户性别' : 'User gender' , '出生日期' : 'Date of birth' , '联系地址' : 'Contact address' , '手机号码' : 'Mobile phone number' , '固定电话' : 'Fixed telephone' , '安全问题' : 'Security problems' , '回答' : 'answer' , '保存设置' : 'saving' , '获取收货地址失败,请刷新尝试!' : 'For receiving address failure, please refresh try!' , '默认地址不能删除!' : 'The default address can\'t be deleted!' , '收货地址删除失败,请刷新尝试!' : 'Receiving address delete failed, please refresh try!' , '收货地址删除成功!' : 'Receiving address deleted successful!' , '地址添加成功!' : 'Address add success!' , '地址添加失败!' : 'Address add failed!' , '地址编辑成功!' : 'Address edit success!' , '地址编辑失败!' : 'Address editing failed!' , '请登陆!' : 'Please visit!' , '配送方式保存成功!' : 'Distribution ways to save success!' , '配送方式保存失败!' : 'Distribution ways to save failed!' , '您尚未选择收货地址,请重新点击更改选择!' : 'You are not choose receiving address, please click to change the choice!' , '您尚未选择配送方式,请重新点击更改选择!' : 'You are not choose distribution way, please click to change the choice!' , '支付方式保存成功!' : 'Payment save success!' , '支付方式保存失败!' : 'Payment save failed!' , '您尚未选择支付方式,请重新点击更改选择!' : 'You are not choose payment, please click to change the choice!' , '商品不足!' : 'Lack of goods!' , '完成订单数据出错!' : 'To complete the order data error!' , '购物车没有商品!' : 'Shopping cart no goods!' , '创建' : 'create' , '订单创建' : 'Order to create' , '更新订单日志表数据失败' : 'Update order log table data failed' , '更新库存数据出错!' : 'Update the stock data error!' , '确认收货成功' : 'Confirm the delivery of success' , '确认收货失败' : 'Failed to confirm the delivery of' , '用户确认收货' : 'Confirm the delivery of the user' , '取消订单成功' : 'Cancel the order success' , '取消订单失败' : 'Cancel the order failure' , '用户取消订单' : 'The user to cancel the order' , '支付失败,订单号缺失!' : 'Failure to pay, order number missing!' , '此订单已被支付,请勿重复提交支付操作!' : 'The order has been payment, please do not repeat submit payment operation!' , '支付方式不存在' : 'Payment does not exist' , '支付发生错误' : 'Pay mistakes' , '此订单不存在!' : 'This order does not exist!' , '更改' : 'change' , '正在加载' : 'Is loading' , '配送方式' : 'Distribution way' , '请先选择并确认收货信息' : 'Please first choose and confirm the delivery of information' , '请先选择并确认配送方式' : 'Please first choice and confirm distribution mode' , '购物清单' : 'Shopping list' , '送积分' : 'Send integral' , '请稍等,正在为您加载购物车!' : 'Please wait a moment, is for you to load a shopping cart!' , '订单结算' : 'Order settlement' , '订单备注' : 'Order note' , '使用' : 'use' , ' 取消使用' : 'Cancel the use' , '积分抵扣' : 'Integral deduction' , ' 可使用积分' : 'Can use integral' , '运费金额' : 'Freight amount' , '保价金额' : 'Valuation amount' , '返现优惠' : 'Return now preferential' , '优惠券' : 'coupons' , '合计' : 'total' , '提交订单' : 'Submitted order' , ' 收货人' : 'consignee' , '默认地址' : 'Default address' , '设为默认' : 'Set to the default' , '显示全部' : 'Reveal all' , '个收货信息' : 'A receiving information' , '使用新地址' : 'Using the new address' , '确认收货信息' : 'Confirm the delivery of information' , '产品中心' : 'Products' , '这件商品不存在' : 'This goods don\'t exist' , '商品不存在' : 'Goods does not exist' , '评论成功!' : 'Review success!' , '网络原因导致评论出错,请重试!' : 'Network causes review error, please try again!' , '数据创建出错!' : 'Data to create error!' , '您已经评价过了!' : 'You have evaluation.' , '您没有购买过此商品!' : 'You don\'t have to buy the goods!' , '该评论不存在' : 'The review does not exist' , '非会员不可回复评论!' : 'Non-member not responding to comments!' , '回复成功' : 'Reply success' , '回复成功,管理审核方可显示' : 'Reply to succeed, management audit can display' , '当前不允许回复' : 'The current are not allowed to reply' , '验证码不可为空' : 'Verification code not is empty' , '验证码错误' : 'Verification code error' , '咨询内容不可为空' : 'Consulting content not is empty' , '咨询内容不可小于5个字节' : 'Consulting content not less than 5 bytes' , '咨询成功' : 'Consulting successful' , '咨询待管理员审核方可显示,谢谢合作' : 'Consulting for administrator audit can show, thank you for your cooperation' , '提交咨询数据失败' : 'Submit consulting data failed' , '回复失败' : 'Reply failure' , '非会员顾客不可发布咨询' : 'Non-member customer shall not release consultation' , '商品满意度评分' : 'Commodity satisfaction score' , '位会员参与评分' : 'Members participate in scoring' , '好评度' : 'Praise degree' , '中评度' : 'Medium review of' , '差评度' : 'Bad review of' , '我已买过此商品' : 'I have bought the goods' , '发表体验评论' : 'Comments published experience' , '全部评价' : 'All evaluation' , '好评' : 'praise' , '中评' : 'Medium review' , '差评' : 'Bad review' , '发表商品评价' : 'Published commodity evaluation' , '优点' : 'advantages' , '不足' : 'shortage' , '使用心得' : 'Use result' , '回复' : 'reply' , '暂无用户发表评论' : 'No user comment' , '产品编号' : 'SKU' , '买家咨询' : 'The buyer consultation' , '条咨询' : 'Consulting' , '选择' : 'choose' , '加入询价车' : 'Join the inquiry cart' , '您可能还要购买' : 'You may also want to buy' , '产品介绍' : 'Product introduction' , '请稍等,正在加载咨询' : 'Please wait a moment, is loading consultation' , '售前咨询' : 'Pre-sale consultation' , '暂无任何咨询' : 'No any consultation' , '发表咨询' : 'Published consulting' , '咨询内容' : 'Consulting content' , '请输入回复内容!' : 'Please enter the reply content!' , '回复内容至少3个字符' : 'Reply content at least 3 characters' , '请输入验证码!' : 'Please enter the verification code!' , '验证码是4位!' : 'Verification code is four!' , '提交咨询' : 'Submit consulting' , '您访问的页面不存在!' : 'This page don\'t exist!' , '点击此处返回导航首页' : 'Click here to return to the navigation Home Page' , '秒后返回' : 'Seconds after return' , '返回顶部' : 'To return to the top' , '游客' : 'guest' , '您好,欢迎来到' : 'Hello, welcome to' , '退出登录' : 'Logged out' , '请登录' : 'Please login' , '设为首页' : 'Set Home' , '在线反馈' : 'FeedBack' , '请稍等' : 'Loading' , '评论' : 'comments' , '抱歉,没有找到此分类相关的产品!' : 'Sorry, no matches were found in Products for this category!' , '返回上一页' : 'Return to previous page' , '您现在的位置:' : 'Location:' , 'Vibration Screens' : '振动筛' , 'Vacuum hopper loaders' : '真空吸料机' , 'Tube chain Conveyors' : '管链输送机' , 'Slide Gate Valves' : '插板阀' , 'Screw conveyors' : '螺旋输送机' , 'Rotary Valves' : '旋转阀' , 'Batching& Mixing' : '配料和混合' , 'Pneumatic conveying systems' : '气力输送' , 'Mixers' : '混合机' , 'Bag filters' : '袋式过滤器' , 'Gain-in-weight Scales' : '增重式电子秤' , 'Dust Collectors' : '除尘器' , 'Diverter Valves' : '换向阀' , 'Bag empty' : '倒袋站' , 'About us' : '关于我们' , 'Contact us' : '联系我们' , 'Follow Us' : '关注我们' , 'OUR PRODUCTS' : '产品列表' , 'GO TO DOWN LOAD PRODUCT BROCHURES' : '下载产品宣传册' , 'PRODUCTS' : '产品' , 'Click below pictures for more information' : '点击下面的图片了解更多信息' , 'PRODUCT' : '产品' , 'Send Inquiry' : '发送询盘' , 'INQUIRE_NAME' : '姓名' , 'ENTER_NAME' : '输入您的姓名' , 'INQUIRE_TELE' : '电话' , 'ENTER_TELE' : '输入您的电话' , 'Powered by' : '技术支持' , 'Hongdao' : '弘道网络' , 'Client and Plant Information' : '客户和工厂信息' , 'Plant Pictures' : '工厂图片' , 'Products Brochures' : '产品宣传册' , 'Questionnaires' : '问卷调查' , 'Post' : '职位' , 'Papers' : '文件' , 'Application' : '产品详细描述' , 'Features' : '特点' , 'Dimensions' : '尺寸表' , 'Specification' : '技术参数表' , 'Similar Product' : '相似商品' , '点击播放' : 'Play' , '点击暂停' : 'Pause' , '点击静音' : 'Mute' , '点击全屏' : 'Full Screen' , '快进' : 'Fast Forward' , '快退' : 'Rewind' , '音量' : 'Volume' , '询价车中还没有商品!' : 'There are no products in inquiry basket!' , '产品报价' : 'Product Price' , '产品规格' : 'Specifications' , '型号' : 'Model' , '价格条款' : 'Price Terms' , '原产地' : 'Country of Origin' , '能否提供样品' : 'Can provide samples' , '最小订货量' : 'Minimum order quantity' , '交货期' : 'Lead' , '供货能力' : 'Supply capacity' , '销售条款及附加条件' : 'Sales terms and conditions' , '包装方式' : 'Package' , '质量安全认证' : 'Quality afety certification' , '询盘提交成功!' : 'Inquiry submitted successfully!' , '条记录' : 'item(s)' , '页' : 'Page' , '下一页' : 'Next' , '上一页' : 'Prev' , '请输入正确的邮箱地址!' : 'Please enter a valid email address!' , '此邮箱尚未注册,取消订阅失败!' : 'This mailbox is not yet registered unsubscribe failed!' , '取消订阅出现错误!' : 'Unsubscribe error!' , '恭喜您,成功取消订阅!' : 'Congratulations on your success unsubscribe!' , '此邮箱已提交订阅,请更换邮箱地址。' : 'This mailbox has been submitted to Subscribe to replace the e-mail address.' , '订阅出现错误!' : 'Subscribe to error!' , '恭喜您,订阅成功!' : 'Congratulations on your successful subscription!' , '恭喜您,留言成功!' : 'Congratulations on your message successfully!' , '抱歉,留言失败!' : 'Sorry, the message failed!' , '数据创建错误!' : 'Data to create error!' , '提示信息' : 'Tips Message' , '请输入正确信息!' : 'Please enter the correct information!' , '正在检测信息…' : 'Detection information ...' , '请填入信息!' : 'Please fill in the information!' , '所填信息没有经过验证,请稍后…' : 'The entered information is not proven, please wait ...' , '正在提交数据…' : 'Submit data ...' , '出错了!请检查提交地址或返回数据格式是否正确!' : 'Wrong!Please check the submitted address or return data format is correct!' , 'Ajax操作被取消!' : 'Ajax operation was canceled!' , 'Generator':'iFashop' }; // 获取语言定义(区分大小写) function L(name) { //空参数返回所有定义 if (name == '') return ''; else{ var lang = message[name]; //如果message[name]为undefined,则返回name if(lang == undefined) lang = name; return lang; } }